Michelle S.
2 min readJun 29, 2021


Mindfulness Activity

Hey DreamKit members, today I am going to talk about achieving mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing while, not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us. It is a practice of acknowledging what you are feeling without judging the emotions or sensations as you are feeling them. Why practice mindfulness? It helps direct attention away from stress or other negative thoughts. It can also help support good mental health by giving you a simple way to manage negative thoughts and emotions. You can practice mindfulness anywhere and anytime. All you need is ten minutes out of your day to practice mindfulness.

I would like you to try starting with these tips:

  • Make some time for yourself. Take a break from everything.
  • Avoid doing too many things at once. Doing too much at a time can be distracting.
  • Guided breathing techniques. Observe your breathing. Focus on your breathing. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth nice and slow.
  • Body scanning. Think about the present time. Focus on what is happening right at the moment.
  • Connect with nature. Go for a hike at a state park or visit an arboretum center. An arboretum is a botanical collection composed of trees and gardens containing living collections of woody plants.
  • Accept yourself. Look in the mirror and speak kindly to yourself. Use words like you would use for your family, friends or your partner.

You can use most of these tips in everyday activities such as work, at home, and in public. You might learn better ways to control your emotions and be able to handle stressful events more easily. It could even help to improve relationships with friends and family. There are several apps that you can download on your phone from the Play Store.

One app that I recommend is called Headspace. This app is the number one app that experiences the benefits of meditation anytime and anywhere. You can also learn the essentials of meditation and mindfulness. Their mission is to improve the health and happiness of millions of users.

I hope this activity have you a little more insight on what mindfulness is and how you can achieve it. Keep practicing mindfulness and don’t give up.

Michelle S.

aka DJ Skitlz

